
Custom Canvas

Fine art paper prints

Our fine art prints are designed for the best colour, durability and quality. We print your custom sizes and trim to size for you at no extra cost. For prints larger than A3 we leave a 1cm white border to protect the edges of your image. Prints smaller than A3 will be flat packed using cardboard to prevent the print from being bent in transit. Prints larger than A3 will be sent rolled in a postal tube.

Our vibrant prints come off a genuine Epson Surecolor P20070 wide format printer using genuine Epson Ultrachrome Pro inks. We don’t cut any corners on quality!

We offer 3 paper types of paper. Refer to the pictures below to find out which one is best for your print. For fine art paper print orders, please contact us directly at



Smooth semi gloss

  • Partial reflection of light
  • Professional photo paper
  • 310gsm paper

Prestige Metallic Gloss

  • High gloss
  • Pearlescent shimmer and vibrant colours
  • 260gsm paper

Fine art smooth matte

  • Zero reflections
  • Matte warm white tone and crisp colours
  • Perfect for black and white images and digital art
  • 200gsm paper

Custom Framing

We are happy to discuss custom framing and mat options for your fine art paper prints. As there are so many choices and variables available, please contact us directly at to discuss a frame that will suit your print. Your print will be custom framed in house and shipped to you ready to hang. Choices include:

  • Frame material and colour
  • Mat width and colour
  • Glass type (Clear glass, perspex, non-reflective glass, UV protective glass)
  • Backing type

Our Quality guarantee

Each order is individually printed, finished, checked and packaged, from a local Aussie, not outsourced from overseas. We are proudly Aussie owned and operated! This is why we include a 100% satisfaction guarantee with the craftsmanship of all prints.

We provide plenty of packaging materials to avoid your order from being damaged in transit. However accidents happen and we understand how frustrating it is to receive a product that is damaged. If there are any problems with your print on arrival, please email us as soon as possible at! We want your order to be perfect and are happy to help out in the rare cases that prints sustain damage during shipping.

Due to slight variations in colour display on different monitors and devices we can not guarantee that prints will appear exactly as you see on your screen.

Payment, turnaround time and shipping

We accept paypal or bank transfer at the checkout. Please note if you chose to bank transfer, we will start production on your artwork upon receiving payment which might take a few days depending on banks. (Most banks are now using Osko payments which are instant)

All of our prints are made in house when we receive your order. This includes any artwork from our pre made gallery. Please allow up to 7 business days for us to create your order depending on how busy we are. Don’t worry, we will let you know when we have shipped it!

We use standard courier shipping and can ship to anywhere in Australia. Shipping times will vary depending on the destination. Orders to major cities on the East Coast typically arrive within 5 business days of being dispatched.

Our shipping is flat rate Australia wide

$5 for orders under $100.
$10 for orders $100-$200
$20 for all orders over $200