
Custom Canvas

Why canvas prints are so popular

  • The canvas itself is a sturdy material, coated with a finish that adds a layer of protection against sunlight. This makes them very long lasting. Artwork not hung in direct sunlight can last over 100 years. Frames are built in so they are very sturdy.
  • Because canvas prints are not displayed behind glass there is minimal glare or reflections. They can be viewed in beautiful colour from any angle!
  • The texture of the poly/cotton is very pleasing and gives dimension to the artwork.
Texture of our canvas
  • They are very lightweight which makes them easy to move and install. They do not require a nail to be put in to the wall but are light enough to be hung with 3m hooks. (Use multiple for larger sizes) This also makes them the perfect solution to display art in a rental property.
  • They can be printed easily at large sizes and are very cost effective in comparison to a large custom framed paper print. Our panoramic collection is our most cost effective.
  • Because they sit on a 5cm deep framework, they create a layer of depth and engagement with the photo.
  • Canvas prints can match and décor or room due to not having a frame. If you change your furniture or room style later on you don’t have to worry about a frame no longer matching. They are suited on any wall! On the flip side, if you do want some added elegance to your canvas you can also get them in a floating frame which looks modern and professional. The choice is yours. Canvas prints are extremely versatile.
  • You can get creative with them. A single panorama can be split in to multiple panels which looks really modern and eye catching. Or multiple different images can be arranged in a gallery.