
Custom Canvas

Small vs large artworks

Bigger is always better right? Not necessarily! While large artworks create the biggest impact, small canvases look great in different spaces. What size artwork you want to purchase depends on your budget and where you are intending to display it. Here are some ideas for how to use different sizes;

A shelf, bookcase or mantle piece:

Small – medium canvases look great displayed on a floating shelf or book case depending how much free space you have and how big your shelves are. Mix them up with other artworks, books, small plants, or other homewares you might have on display.



Leaning against a wall on a desk, hallway table or a dresser:

This is a great idea for small and medium sized canvases. If you have open space on a desk or table you can easily lean them against the wall. No hooks needed!


As part of a gallery:

Canvases are super versatile in creating a gallery wall. Keep consistency in mind when picking out photos for your gallery. Match images with a similar theme or colour pallet, or photos from the same day/event. The total size and how many individual canvases used are totally up to you. Start with the main piece in the center at eye level and work your way out from there. Medium sized canvases are great for the center, with small ones around the outside. Or space out multiple medium ones. Its up to you!


On the floor leaning against a wall:

This display method looks great with large canvases with vertical orientation. They should be tall enough to not look out of place. If you want a vertical image but wouldn’t have enough height available over a couch or other furniture then this is a great solution.

Over a couch, bed head or other furniture:

This is where large canvases get the most impact.  A panorama above a bed or couch creates a wow factor. Panoramas are our most cost effective canvases and also our most popular ratio. Medium sizes work well over single beds. Don’t forget to measure!